Kacziba Hajnalka/Ms Haya Deputy head
Kovács Judit /Ms Judy: Penguin group
Kádár Dominika/Ms Domi: Sunflower group
Bohár Bianka /Ms. Bianca: Rainbow group
Pölöskei Dóra / Ms. Dóri: Teddy bear group
Diana Feketeová/Ms Dia: Squirrel group
Snani Nourhane / Ms. Nour: Squirrel and Penguin groups
Széles Tamara/Ms Tami: Cricket group
Futó Zsuzsanna / Ms. Suzy: Sunbeam group
Bardóczki Alexandra /Ms Sandy: Busy bee
Budai Varró Ibolya / Ms Violet: Rainbow group
Tajana Rokaj / Ms Taja: Fox group
Csutor Luca / Ms Luca: Sunbeam group
Eileen Ghereghloo / Ms Eileen: Hedgehog group
Meera Anand / Ms Meera: Sunbeam and Daisy groups
Nagy Ákos/Mr Ákos: Daisy group
Casandra Saura/Ms Cassie: Teddy bear group
Imene Mazouzi/Ms Imene: Cricket and Busy bee groups
Ikram Benmerah / Ms Ikram: Ladybird group
Jessica Belluzzi/Ms. Belluzzi
Wellner Ági/Ms. Ági
Fatma Nur Barcin / Ms Fatma: Sunbeam and Rainbow groups
Roumaisa Chelfat/ Ms Romi: Colt group
Rácz Alexandra/ Ms Sandra: Sunflower group
Balogh Eszter / Ms Esther: Ladybird and Vuk groups
Taher Imane / Ms Emy: Rainbow group
Óvodáink kerületek szerint
I. kerület
II. kerület
III. kerület
IV. kerület
V. kerület
VII. kerület
VIII. kerület
X. kerület
XI. kerület
XII. kerület
XIII. kerület
XIV. kerület
XV. kerület
XVII. kerület
XIX. kerület
XX. kerület
XXI. kerület
XXII. kerület
Angol-magyar kétnyelvű csoportjaink
XIV. Zöld Lurkók óvoda
XX. Nyitnikék óvoda
XX. Gézengúz óvoda
IV. Bőrfestő óvoda
XIX. Mézeskalács óvoda
XX. Hunyadi téri óvoda
XX. Békaporonty óvoda
XX. Mártírok útja óvoda
XX. János utca óvoda
XX. Köztársaság téri óvoda
Nyitnikék óvoda 2023 09-10
Nyitnikék óvoda 2023 11-12
Nyitnikék óvoda 2024 01-02
Nyitnikék óvoda 2024 03-04
Nyitnikék óvoda 2024 05-06
Nyitnikék óvoda 2024 07-08
Zöld Lurkók óvoda 2023 09-10
Zöld Lurkók óvoda 2023 11-12
Zöld Lurkók óvoda 2024 01-02
Zöld Lurkók óvoda 2024 03-04
Zöld Lurkók óvoda 2024 05-06
Zöld Lurkók óvoda 2024. 07-08
Gézengúz óvoda 2023 09 –10
Gézengúz óvoda 2023 11-12
Gézengúz óvoda 2024 01-02
Gézengúz óvoda 2024 03-04
Gézengúz óvoda 2024 05-06
Gézengúz óvoda 2024 07-08
Bőrfestő óvoda 2023 09–10
Bőrfestő óvoda 2023 11-12
Bőfestő óvoda 2024 01-02
Bőrfestő óvoda 2024 03-04
Bőrfestő óvoda 2024 05-06
Bőrfestő óvoda 2024 07-08
Mézeskalács óvoda 2023 09-10
Mézeskalács óvoda 2023 11 -12
Mézeskalács óvoda 2024 01-02
Mézeskalács óvoda 2024 03-04
Mézeskalács óvoda 2024 05-06
Mézeskalács óvoda 2024 07-08
Hunyadi téri óvoda 2023 09-10
Hunyadi téri óvoda 2023-11-12
Hunyadi téri óvoda 2024-01-02
Hunyadi téri óvoda 2024-03-04
Hunyadi téri óvoda 2024 05-06
Hunyadi téri óvoda 2024 07-08
Mártírok útja óvoda 2023 09-10
Mártírok útja óvoda 2023 11-12
Mártírok útja óvoda 2024 01-02
Mártírok útja óvoda 2024 03-04
Mártírok útja óvoda 2024 05-06
Mártírok útja óvoda 2024 07-08
Békaporonty óvoda 2023 09-10
Békaporonty óvoda 2023 11-12
Békaporonty óvoda 2024 01-02
Békaporonty óvoda 2024 03-04
Békaporonty óvoda 2024 05-06
Békaporonty óvoda 2024 07-08
János utcai óvoda 2023 09-10
János utca óvoda 2023 11-12
János utcai óvoda 2024 01-02
János utcai óvoda 2024 03-04
János utcai óvoda 2024 05-06
János utcai óvoda 2024 07-08
Köztársaság téri óvoda 2023 09-10
Köztársaság téri óvoda 2023 11-12
Köztársaság téri óvoda 2024 01-02
Köztársaság téri óvoda 2024 03-04
Köztársaság téri óvoda 2024 05-06
Köztársaság téri óvoda 2024 07-08

Referencia kereső

Feliratkozás hírlevélre
Zöld Lurkók óvoda 2023. szeptember – október
Penguin Group
1st- 15th of September 2023 – Topic: Introducing, colors, instructions
small grouppers:
sit down, stand up, clap your hands, turn around, stomp your feet, name, sign, red, yellow, blue, green, purple, pink, orange, brown, black, white
Big grouppers:
sky blue, navy, lilac, silver, gold
What is your name?
What is your sign?
Hickery, pickery
Who can say their name for me?
Let's shout it!
Let's whisper it!
Lets clap it!


Color mixing

Week: Sept. 18.-29. 2023 – Topic: Daily routines
Making my bed:
It's so easy, it's so great.
Always early, never late.
I get up early and make my bed.
It's all pink, it isn't red.
I plump up my cushion very gently
watching my mother confidently.
This is the way. What do you do every day?
Movement game
sun- morning, moon-night
Flashcard game
wake up, wash your face, brush your teeth, have breakfast /lunch /dinner, go to school, drive to work, take a nap, take a shower /bath, comb your hair, go to be, morning, afternoon, evening, night
Arts and crafts
draw why you like your kindergarten
Rosie Reeve:Cuddle up tight
Simple math
match the routines with the day parts
October 02–06 2023
Making my bed:
It's ao easy, it's so great.
Always early, never late.
I get up early and make my bed.
It's all pink, it isn't red.
I plump up my cushion very gently
watching my mother confidently.
This is the way.
What do you do every day?
Movement game
sun- morning, moon-night
Flashcard game
wake up, wash your face, brush your teeth, have breakfast /lunch /dinner, go to school, drive to work, take a nap, take a shower /bath, comb your hair, go to be, morning, afternoon, evening, night
Arts and crafts
– draw why you like your kindergarten
Rosie Reeve:Cuddle up tight
Simple math
match the routines with the day parts
October 09–13 2023 – Topic. Nuts and seeds
I'm a little acorn, round.
Lying on the cold, cold ground.
Everyone steps on me.
That's why I crack you see.
I'm a Nut.
I'm a Nut.
I'm Nutty.
– Ringing wallnuts
– Acorn song
Movement game
Jump in order:
I wake up every morning.
I wash my face every morning.
I brush my teeth every morning etc.
– feet PE lesson with chesnuts
Flashcard game
Nuts and seeds
Arts and crafts
Make something from the chesnuts
The Andventures of the little Numu
October 16–25 2023 – Topic: Halloween
Witches and mummies.
Witches, mummies.
Bats and ghosts.
In the bright light of the moon.
Big pumpkin, little pumpkin.
Scary one too.
Whatch out for the ghosts.
They shout Booo.
– Knock, knock
– Incy wincy spider
– Little Miss Muffet
Movement game
– PE lesson with the Halloween words
– Little Miss Muffet
Flashcard game
Halloween :
spider, spider web, skeleton, cauldron, mummy, jack o' lantern, pumpkin, trick or treat, trick or treat bag, black cat, bat, monster, poisen, tombstone
Arts and crafts
Trick or treat bag from paper bag
Peppa Pig: Jack o'lantern
Squirrel Group
September 4-8 2023 – Family, What is your sign?
Father, mother, brother, sister, baby, grandfather, grandmother
Action Song
Hello, hello how are you?
If you are happy
Song/ Rhyme
– Daddy` s finger
– Twho little dicky birds
– Teddy bear
Movement game
When the music stops,
pick up the right colour dot
– Roll the dice
– Touch your nose
Flashcard game
Roll the dice
September 11-15. 2023 – Topic: Feelings
When I'm happy I smile
When I'm happy I smile
Daddy finger
Daddy finger
Movement game
Walking walking
Walking walking
Flashcard game
Jump on the right word
Jump on the right word
Simple math
Count to 10
Count to 10
September 18-22. 2023 – Topic: Weather , Season
windy, snowy, rainy, sunny, stormy, rainbow, sky, cloud, lightning
Weather, weather what will it be?
Is the sun out or will it rain on me?
It could snow or be windy too,
The sky might be cloudy or bright blue.
Videos to watch
The four season song
Action song
– Incy wincy spider
– Mr. Sun
Movement game
– Flascard games
– When the music stop
– How's the weather
September 25- 6 October 2023 – Forest animals
frog, snake, deer, owl, spider, fox, bear, eagle, wolf, mouse, duck, rabbit, squirrel, hedgehog, wild boar, forest, tree, bush, leaf
One finger,one finger :turn-turn-turn -Turn to worm: crawl-craw –crawl
Two fingers,two fingers: turn-turn-turn - Turn to a rabbit: jump-jump-jump
Three fingers,three fingers : turn-turn-turn -Turn to butterfly: fly-fly-fly
Four fingers, four fingers: turn-turn-turn - Turn to a cat: meow-meow-meow
Five fingers, five fingers: turn-turn-turn - Turn to a tiger: roar-roar-roar.
– Incy wincy spider
Videos to watch

Action song
– Bear hunt
– Brown bear


Action song
– Flascard games - classification
– guess the animal
– spin the wheel – smart board
Ugly duckling
Movement game
Going on a bear hunt
Going on a bear hunt
Flashcard game
bear, fox,owl, squirrel, snake, hedgehog, bunny, rabbit, duck, mouse, wolf, frog, eagle, deer, spider, boar
bear, fox,owl, squirrel, snake, hedgehog, bunny, rabbit, duck, mouse, wolf, frog, eagle, deer, spider, boar
The runaway rabbit
October 02-06 2023
One finger, one finger turn turn turn, turn to a worm.
Crawl, crawl, crawl.
Two fingers, two fingers turn turn turn, turn to a bunny.
Jump, jump, jump.
Three fingers, three fingers turn, turn, turn, turn to a butterfly,
fly, fly, fly.
Four fingers, four fingers turn, turn turn.
Turn to a cat. Meow, meow, meow.
Five fingers, five fingers turn turn turn, turn to a tiger.
Roar, roar roar.
Forest dance
Movement game
Physical Education:
walk like a bear,
jump like a bunny,
fly like an eagly,
walk like a spider.
Slither like a snake.
Flashcard game
bear, fox, owl, squirrel, snake, hedgehog, bunny, rabbit, duck, mouse, wolf, frog, eagle, deer, spider, boar
Ugly duckling
Simple math
Match the animals to their shadows
October 16–20 2023 – Topic: Autumn
Autumn winds begin to blow.
Coloured leaves go fast and slow.
Twirling, twirling all around,
til at last they touch the ground.
Autumn leaves are falling down,
falling down, falling down.
Autumn leaves are falling down falling down.
The wind will blow them round and round,
round and round, round and round.
The wind will blow them round and round. Round and round
Movement game
Scarecrow, scarecrow turn around.
Scarecrow, scarecrow touch the ground.
Scarecrow, scarecrow reach up high
. Scarecrow, scarecrow touch the ground.
Scarecrow, scarecrow bend down low.
Scarecrow, scarecrow touch your toes
Flashcard game
Leaf, leaf pile, pumpkin, scarecrow, apple, basket, plum
Arts and crafts
Colouring leaves
Simple math
Bigger, smaller
October 24–27 2023 – Topic: Halloween
Knock, knock trick or treat,
give me something sweet to eat.
Incy wincy spider
Movement game
Knock, knock trick or treat!
Who are you?
I'm a ghost, I'm a little ghost…
Flashcard game
haunted house, trick or treat, jack-o-lantern, ghost, witch, witches hat, broom, owl, skeleton, pumpkin, candies, spider, spiders web, bat
Arts and crafts
Halloween basket
Simple math
more, less
The runaway rabbit
October 02-06 2023
One finger, one finger turn turn turn, turn to a worm.
Crawl, crawl, crawl.
Two fingers, two fingers turn turn turn, turn to a bunny.
Jump, jump, jump.
Three fingers, three fingers turn, turn, turn, turn to a butterfly,
fly, fly, fly.
Four fingers, four fingers turn, turn turn.
Turn to a cat. Meow, meow, meow.
Five fingers, five fingers turn turn turn, turn to a tiger.
Roar, roar roar.
Forest dance
Movement game
Physical Education:
walk like a bear,
jump like a bunny,
fly like an eagly,
walk like a spider.
Slither like a snake.
Flashcard game
bear, fox, owl, squirrel, snake, hedgehog, bunny, rabbit, duck, mouse, wolf, frog, eagle, deer, spider, boar
Ugly duckling
Simple math
Match the animals to their shadows
October 16–20 2023 – Topic: Autumn
Autumn winds begin to blow.
Coloured leaves go fast and slow.
Twirling, twirling all around,
til at last they touch the ground.
Autumn leaves are falling down,
falling down, falling down.
Autumn leaves are falling down falling down.
The wind will blow them round and round,
round and round, round and round.
The wind will blow them round and round. Round and round
Movement game
Scarecrow, scarecrow turn around.
Scarecrow, scarecrow touch the ground.
Scarecrow, scarecrow reach up high
. Scarecrow, scarecrow touch the ground.
Scarecrow, scarecrow bend down low.
Scarecrow, scarecrow touch your toes
Flashcard game
Leaf, leaf pile, pumpkin, scarecrow, apple, basket, plum
Arts and crafts
Colouring leaves
Simple math
Bigger, smaller
October 24–27 2023 – Topic: Halloween
Knock, knock trick or treat,
give me something sweet to eat.
Incy wincy spider
Movement game
Knock, knock trick or treat!
Who are you?
I'm a ghost, I'm a little ghost…
Flashcard game
haunted house, trick or treat, jack-o-lantern, ghost, witch, witches hat, broom, owl, skeleton, pumpkin, candies, spider, spiders web, bat
Arts and crafts
Halloween basket
Simple math
more, less